Hôpital Vétérinaire du Madawaska

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Your companion's annual medical examination is highly recommended to ensure the health of your pet periodically. Here's how this visit will likely take place:

  • A thorough physical examination to determine the health of your pet.
  • Search for external parasites (fleas, ticks, lice, ear mites ...)
  • Search for internal parasites (flat worms, round worms ...) If you wish, you can, according to the instructions we provide, provide a sample of your pet's stools to allow us to deepen the search for its parasites.
  • The veterinarian could offer you a test for heartworms and lyme disease for dogs or in the case of a cat screening for feline leukemia (FeLV) and feline AIDS (IVF).
  • Administration of the vaccines or the discussion on which should be administered to your companion. The vet will tell you when it would be best to administer it.
  • In the case of a new cat or a new dog the veterinarian will discuss with you his sterilization and the minimum age at which he or she should be operated.
  • Depending on your companion's age, you may be offered an annual blood test.

We have a dedicated veterinary team to answer your questions during the annual review of your pet. Make an appointment, 5 days a week, with one of our qualified veterinarians to take care of your companion.